~~Title: DW: Conferences and Schools ~~
====== Attended Conferences and Schools ======
=== 2018: 3nd Users' Conference of IT4Innovations ===
* Ostrava (Czech Republic), November 2019
* Talk: [[https://events.it4i.cz/event/30/contributions/170/|Alloy analogy model: Finite-temperature description of magnetic solids]]
* [[https://events.it4i.cz/event/30/|Oficial website]]
=== 2018: JEMS - Joint European Magnetic Symposia ===
* Uppsala (Sweden), August 2018
* Poster: [[https://jems2018.smart-abstract.com/sessionplanner/#/persons/82473|Antiferromagnetic CuMnAs: Ab initio description of finite temperature magnetism and resistivities]]
* [[https://jems2019.se|Oficial website]]
=== 2019: CSMAG (17th Czech and Slovak Conference on Magnetism) ===
* Košice (Slovakia), June 2019
* Poster: Inclusion of spin fluctuations to the finite-temperature electrical transport calculations
* [[https://csmag.saske.sk/|Oficial website]]
=== 2019: 3rd Daresbury QUESTAAL school ===
* Daresbury (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland), May 2019
* Poster: Alloy analogy model within the TB-LMTO and CPA for treatment of finite temperatures
* [[https://www.questaal.org/news/20190129-hands-on-course/|Oficial website]]
=== 2019: DPG (Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft) ===
* Regensburg (Germany), April 2019
* Talk: [[https://www.dpg-verhandlungen.de/year/2019/conference/regensburg/part/ma/session/4/contribution/6?lang=en|First-principles study of electrical transport with phonons and magnons]]
=== 2019: PRACE Training Centre Course ===
* Ostrava (Czech Republic), January 2019
* Course: Developing efficient HPC applications for the latest CPU architectures with C++ and Fortran
* [[https://events.prace-ri.eu/event/800/overview|Oficial website]]
=== 2018: 2nd Users' Conference of IT4Innovations ===
* Ostrava (Czech Republic), November 2018
* Talk: [[https://events.it4i.cz/indico/event/11/session/33/contribution/40|Alloy analogy model: Fully relativistic electrical transport with phonons, magnons, and chemical disorder]]
* [[https://events.it4i.cz/indico/event/11/overview|Oficial website]]
=== 2018: JEMS - Joint European Magnetic Symposia ===
* Mainz (Germany), September 2018
* Poster: [[https://jems2018.smart-abstract.com/sessionplanner/#/persons/82473|Heusler alloys: Spin-polarized electrical transport at finite temperatures]]
* [[https://jems2018.org|Oficial website]]
=== 2018: ICM - International Conference on Magnetism ===
* San Francisco (USA), July 2018
* Talk: Spin-polarized electrical transport of NiMnSb at nonzero temperature
* [[http://icm2018sf.org/|Oficial website]]
=== 2018: DPG (Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft) ===
* Berlin (Germany), March 2018
* Talk: [[https://www.dpg-verhandlungen.de/year/2018/conference/berlin/part/ma/session/54/contribution/1?lang=en|Spin-dependent electrical transport of Heusler alloys at nonzero temperatures from the first principles]]
=== 2017: 6th Annual Conference of IT4Innovations and 1st Users Conference of IT4Innovations ===
* Ostrava (Czech Republic), October-November 2017
* Poster: Fully relativistic //ab initio// calculations of temperature-dependent electrical transport
* [[https://events.it4i.cz/indico/event/10/overview|Oficial website]]
=== 2017: SPIE Optics and Photonics: Spintronics X ===
* San Diego (USA), August 2017
* Invited talk: Spin-dependent electronic transport at finite temperatures from the first principles.
* Contribution to Proceedings of SPIE (Paper 10357-103)
* Poster: SPIE/OSA Chapter of Charles University
* [[http://spie.org/Publications/Proceedings/Volume/10357|Oficial website]]
=== 2017: All electron DFT with FLEUR - a Hands-on Tutorial ===
* Jülich (Germany), April 2017
* [[https://www.cecam.org/workshop-0-1421.html|Official website]]
=== 2017: INTERMAG Dublin 2017 ===
* Dublin (Ireland), April 2017
* [[http://intermag2017.com|Official website]]
* Talk: Fully relativistic temperature dependent electronic transport properties of magnetic alloys from the first principles
* Contribution to IEEE Transactions on Magnetics: [[http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TMAG.2017.2697400|doi: 10.1109/TMAG.2017.2697400]], [[http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=7908935&isnumber=4479871]]
=== 2017: 48th IFF Spring School - Topological Matter - Topological Insulators, Skyrmions and Majoranas ===
* Jülich (Germany), March-April 2017
* [[http://www.fz-juelich.de/portal/EN/AboutUs/Dates_Events/docs/2017/2017-03-27-IFFSpringSchool-48th.html|Official website]]
=== 2017: DPG (Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft) ===
* Dresden (Germany), March 2017
* Talk: [[http://www.dpg-verhandlungen.de/year/2017/conference/dresden/part/ma/session/29/contribution/3?lang=en|Ab initio calculation of thermal dependent anomalous Hall effect]]
=== 2017: Winter School: Magnetism ===
* Vienna (Austria), February 2017
* Poster: Temperature dependent ab initio calculatios of anomalous Hall effect for nickel alloys
* [[http://www.sfb-vicom.at/events/magnetism|Official website]]
=== 2016: SPICE Workshop on Antiferromagnetic Spintronics ===
* Mainz (Germany), September 2016
* Poster: Temperature dependence of anomalous Hall effect from the first principles
* [[https://www.spice.uni-mainz.de/afmspin-workshop-2016/|Official website]]
=== 2016: Topological Matter School ===
* San Sebastian-Donostia (Spain), August 2016
* Poster: Temperature dependent electrical transport properties of topological insulator Bi2Te3 from the first principles
* [[https://tms16.sciencesconf.org/|Official website]]
=== 2016: DPG (Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft) ===
* Regensburg (Germany), March 2016
* Talk: [[http://www.dpg-verhandlungen.de/year/2016/conference/regensburg/part/mm/session/12/contribution/6?lang=en|Calculations of temp. dependent resistivity for transition metals from the first principles]]
=== 2015: Psi-k conference ===
* San Sebastian–Donostia (Spain), September 2015
* Poster: //Ab initio// calculations of temperature dependent resistivity for transition metals
* [[http://nano-bio.ehu.es/psik2015/|Offical website]]
=== 2015: Week of Doctoral students ===
* Prague (Czech Republic), June 2015
* A talk and a contribution in the book of Proceedings of WDS 2015: //Ab initio// calculations of temperature dependent resistivity for transition metals
* [[http://www.mff.cuni.cz/veda/konference/wds/proc/proc-contents.php?year=2015|Official website]]
=== 2013: ELI summer school ===
* Prague (Czech Republic), June 2013
* Participant of ELI Beamlines Summer School 2013
=== 2012: Schola Ludus, Academic and University Center Nové Hrady ===
* Four-week summer school organized by the Institute of the School of Complex Systems at the University of South Bohemia
* Independent project: Limits of discriminability in Hight-Resolutin Liquid Chromatography-Molecular Spectrometry, Supervisor: Ing. Jan Urban, Ph.D.
=== 2011: Schola Ludus, Academic and University Center Nové Hrady ===
* Four-week summer school organized by the Institute of Physical Biology at the University of South Bohemia
* Independent project: Simulation of Couette-Taylor bioreactor, Supervisor: Ing. Štěpán Papáček, Ph.D.
=== 2010: Schola Ludus, Academic and University Center Nové Hrady ===
* Four-week summer school organized by the Institute of Physical Biology at the University of South Bohemia
* Independent project: PtGeSe as a Novel Material for the Second Harmonic Generation, Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ali Hussain Reshak