~~Title: David Wagenknecht ~~
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[[contact|Contact details]]
[[publications|Publications]]: [[http://www.orcid.org/0000-0003-1927-9702|ORCID]], [[http://www.researcherid.com/rid/P-4165-2017|ResearcherID]], [[https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57194901592|Scopus Author ID]]
=== Professional interest ===
* //Ab initio// calculations (calculations from the first principles)
* Developing //ab initio// techniques
* Magnetism and spintronics
* Electrical transport properties
* Temperature behavior of bulk materials
* Optical response
=== Talnet ===
I am a leader of two online physics courses in the extracurricular educational project called Talnet. My first course ... [[activities|(more)]]
=== SPIE Charles University Student Chapter ===
I have been a member of the Chapter since 2013. I participate in the Demonstrations of Physics on Schools and in my position as an officer of the Chapter, I focus especially on ... [[activities|(more)]]